

11 Reasons Your Site Isn't Ranking on Google

There's nothing more frustrating than seeing your site drop out of the first page on Google and not knowing why. If you run a business, your site must rank well in Google. If not, people will start searching for content from your competitors and other sources.

In this post, we will go over eleven reasons why your site may not rank well on Google.

1. Not Adding Enough Content

You must add relevant content to your website. The more pages you have on your site, the better your chance of getting noticed by search engines and visitors.

But what kind of content should you be adding? Add relevant and unique content that is interesting to readers. Adding relevant content will help readers stay longer on your site and trust you as an authority in your market.

2. Not Targeting the Right Keywords

The most important thing you need to do is find the right keywords. Adding relevant keywords is the most crucial step in your SEO strategy. Without keywords, it is highly likely that you will miss out on a lot of traffic and won’t have much success in the long term.

You can use free keyword tools like WordStream to see which of your keywords generate the most traffic for you and then target them in your content marketing strategy. You can also use paid keyword tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to research specific niches and find out what terms people are looking for when they search for those topics online.

3. Not Focusing on User Intent

Google is increasingly using machine learning to determine a user's intent and then rank them according to that intent. Your website will get lost in the shuffle if you're not focusing on what users are looking for and how they want to find it.

When Google learns about your content, it will understand its context and relevance to searches. If you don't have any relevant information, the search engine won't find anything useful for users who are searching for it.

By knowing who your users are and what they need, you can create content that answers those needs and helps them achieve their goals.

4. Slow Loading Website

You may have done a lot to get your site up and running, but if it's taking a long time to load, people won't stick around. Most people expect a web page to load in three seconds or less.

The entire purpose of a website is to help you get more traffic, but if your site isn't fast, you will lose out on potential customers. Google has put so much emphasis on speed that even if you optimize for quality and ranking, Google will penalize your page for having slow load times.

Google has made it easier than ever before for users to find relevant information, so they expect the same from all websites. They'll move on if they can't find what they're looking for in two seconds or less.

5. Poor Website Navigation

A good user interface is one of the most critical elements of a successful search engine optimization campaign. If you can’t find what you are looking for, how will anyone else?

The first step when designing your site is clarity and simplicity. If your visitors have no idea where to go once they arrive on your site, they may abandon the site before even getting started.

If your site has a homepage but no clear way to get to other pages, it may be because of poor usability and user experience. Make sure you test your site for usability, especially for visitors who are new to your industry or have limited knowledge about your niche.

6. Not Checking Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty measures how hard it is to rank for a particular keyword. The higher your keyword difficulty, the more competition you'll face in terms of ranking and getting traffic from search engines.

To determine keyword difficulty, look at how many websites compete for that exact term. If there are many competing sites, we can assume that there will be more backlinks pointing back to them, thus removing your site's chance of getting found by Google's crawler bots.

7. Not Optimizing Images

Image optimization is a must. If you're not optimizing your images, then it's unlikely that your site will rank well in Google Search.

The first step is to use alt tags on each of your images and add captions to those that don't already have them. These alt tags appear in the search results for any queries relating to that image, which helps increase its visibility and ranking potential.

You should also make sure that the image is relevant to what's featured on the page. Whether or not they need or want more information about whatever subject matter might be presented within its confines at any given moment throughout their visit here, otherwise known as "the long tail effect."

8. Missing Out on Links From Other Sites

Link building is essential to ranking your site. You need to build links from other sites with similar content if you want more traffic. You can reach out and ask them if they would like to link back to your website or even offer them something in exchange for their link.

9. Not Building High-Quality Links

Poor-quality backlinks are one of the most common reasons why your site is not ranking on Google. Backlinks are links that point to your website from other websites. When someone finds a link pointing to your site, they might click on it and think you are the best choice for their needs.

If your competitors build quality links, it can be tough to beat them. You could be losing out on a lot of traffic because of fewer backlinks and low-quality links. That's why it's important to know what link-building tactics you should use and how much time and effort it takes to be effective.

10. Not Using Enough Long-Tail Keywords

You've probably heard this before, but it's true: long-tail keywords (also known as an exact match and phrase match) are more specific than broad search queries. They're also easier to rank for because they're less competitive, so you have a higher chance of ranking for them. In addition to optimizing your content to match broad and narrow terms related to the topic at hand, adding more long-tail variations can help drive traffic back to your site through organic search results pages (SERPs).

11. Not Having a Good Domain ame

Your domain name is the first thing people see when visiting your site. It's also the thing that will stick in their minds, so it has to be easy to remember and spell. The best domain names for SEO purposes are short, simple, and not too long (no more than three words). Your business name should also be related to what you do. So, if you're an online booking agent for hotels, then perhaps HotelBookingAgent or HotelsTravelAgent might work better than HotelsWebSiteBookingAgent or WebSiteHotelBooker.


The key is to keep track of what you're doing and make sure you do it right. If you are not tracking what is happening on your site, you will not know how to improve it. You need to measure the success of your site so that when something goes wrong, you can fix it. You can attract, engage, and convert visitors into leads with effective search engine optimization strategies.

If you need help with your SEO strategy, you should hire an agency specializing in SEO. Zorbis is a leading SEO company that has served companies of all sizes and industries. For more information on Zorbis’ SEO services, visit to schedule a meeting with a team of experts.

Posted By Silvia Smith
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