

7 Web Design Myths to Leave Behind in 2023

Most people believe that website design is an exact science. However, this is not true. There are many myths and misconceptions about website design. These can often lead to bad results and poor user experience. Let's discuss seven of the most common myths associated with website design.

1. Homepage is Everything

The homepage is crucial for your website, but it shouldn't be everything. Your landing page should be the first impression visitors get when they land on your site. Your homepage is where you want to capture visitors' attention and make them want to learn more about your products and services.

The homepage is just one piece of your overall brand identity, so don't make it all about the home page. Many companies believe that if they can get their homepage right, all other pages will follow.

This is not true. It's true if you're looking at a single-page design, but not when you're thinking of e-commerce sites as a whole.

The homepage is not where all the magic happens anymore; it used to be where you could see your company brand in its most visual form, which has changed over time. You should focus on ensuring that every page of your site has a unique look and feel so users can easily navigate it.

2. Good Website Design Brings Traffic

Another significant web design myth is that good website design attracts traffic. However, this is not always true. A website with a simple, clean, and minimalist layout will attract more visitors than one with flashy graphics and unnecessary animations. There's no denying that effective design is important, but it isn't the only factor in attracting traffic.

Good content is just as important as good web design. If your website doesn't provide any value to visitors, they won't stay long enough to read your content or visit other pages on your site.

You can have the best product in the world, and nobody will know about it if no one ever sees it or clicks on it. That's why page speed, navigation, content, and marketing are essential for bringing traffic.

3. White Space is A Waste

The biggest myth in web design is that white space is a waste. In fact, white space is one of the most important parts of a page design. You need to use it to create a composition that tells your story and draws the eye without overpowering it with too much information.

White space creates harmony between all elements on a page. It helps bring focus from one part of your design to another and gives visual interest by breaking up monotonous blocks of text or images.

4. More Features Means More Customers

The problem with this statement is that it's not true. More features mean more work for the designer to implement, which means more time; if your time is limited, you have to pick your battles wisely.

More features also cause complexity and confusion in the user interface design. In many cases, more features also lead to greater amounts of content on the website, which can be overwhelming for users who don't know what they are looking for or how to use it effectively.

It is important to understand the target audience and their needs so that designing a website will meet their expectations and help them find what they are looking for.

5. Good Web Design Needs to Be Costly

The myth that good design costs more is a pervasive one. It's why many small businesses hesitate to invest in beautiful websites and why some of the best ideas never make it to market.

The cost of website designing is usually based on the amount of time it takes to build it and the number of pages that need to be created. You need to look for a web design company with a reputation for designing high-quality websites at competitive prices.

The best way to determine if your website needs to be redesigned is by looking at the numbers. If your site is slowing down over time or taking too much server space and bandwidth, you need to take action before it becomes an issue.

6. You Should Always Have A Single-Page Website

This is one of the biggest myths in web design. Many people believe if you want your site to stand out from the crowd, you need to have a single-page website with lots of graphics. This method might work for small businesses, but it will not work for larger companies or agencies.

If your website needs to be more than just one page, then it's probably time for a redesign and a new platform. If you have a large team, then using WordPress can help with this, but if you're doing most of your work yourself, sticking with HTML/CSS/JS will give you more control over how your site looks and performs on different devices and browsers.

7. Web Design is A One-Time Process

Web design is an evolving process. It's a continuous journey that changes according to your business needs, the latest technologies, and trends in the industry. The best thing about web design is that it's not something you can do once and forget about it. You need to keep updating your website and redesigning it regularly.

Web design is a continuous process that involves research, planning, prototyping, wireframing, developing, and testing new features for your website. The process may take months or even years, depending on how much time you want to spend planning and developing your website.


Many people have unrealistic expectations about what constitutes a "good" website. These were some common myths floating around the topic of web design. The web is a rapidly changing medium, and the techniques that work today could be completely outdated in just a few years. To create the best possible experience for users, staying updated with the latest trends and information is imperative.

While companies can create a website independently, it would be best if they hired a web development agency. Zorbis is a web development company that has created websites for companies of all sizes. Zorbis has also assisted companies in mobile app design. For more information on Zorbis, visit to schedule a meeting with a team of experts.

Posted By Silvia Smith
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