
TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023

A Guide to Android App Development for 2023

It is estimated that there are 3.3 billion users of Android devices. Therefore, if companies do not create and develop mobile applications for Android devices. It is especially important for companies to develop mobile apps since the average person uses nine mobile apps each day. In this blog post, we will discuss the main benefits of creating a mobile app for Android devices, some trends that should be considered, and whether you should develop the application in-house or hire the services of a third-party agency.

Top 4 Benefits of Creating and Developing Android Apps

There are several significant benefits that companies can gain from developing Android apps. Four of these benefits are discussed in more detail below:

1. Increased Brand Awareness

One of the main reasons that companies should develop Android apps is the increased brand awareness they provide. When people enjoy using an app, they will tell their family members, friends, and co-workers about it, leading to more people learning about the company. Companies can also integrate the app with their social media channels, leading to even more brand awareness.

2. Increased Customer Engagement

Businesses can also increase their customer engagement with a robust Android app. Developers can make use of user segmentation to send personalized in-app messages to customers. Developers can also utilize push notifications, gamification elements, and social media integration through the app to further increase customer engagement.

3. Increased Customer Loyalty

When businesses have well-designed Android apps, it can lead to increased customer loyalty. Companies can offer exclusive content, such as product discounts, to customers that use their Android app. These offers can be sent to users via push notifications. Developers can also include immersive experiences via augmented reality to showcase the company's products. Another way that mobile apps can be used to increase customer loyalty is through the use of chatbots. If customers have a question about a product, they can open the app and ask the chatbot, leading to a faster resolution of the problem. These chatbots are available 24/7, so customers can resolve their problems even outside of normal working hours.

4. Provide Marketing Insights

Another benefit companies can gain from developing Android apps is the fact that they provide marketing insights. The marketing team can view statistics on what demographics have downloaded the mobile app and how often the app is opened and used. This data can be used to create marketing campaigns for the app and the company as a whole.

Android App Development Trends

The world of Android app development is constantly changing, so companies must be aware of the latest trends. Some trends that companies should consider implementing into their Android apps include the blockchain, beacon technology, artificial intelligence, and instant apps.

The blockchain is used to store user data on a decentralized database, making it useful for industries like gaming and finance. Beacon technology uses wireless transmitters to send signals to nearby devices via Bluetooth. Industries that can benefit from implementing beacon technology into their Android apps include retail, hospitality, and education. Instant apps allow Android users to access content from an app without downloading it. Instant apps are useful since they allow users to try an app out before downloading it.

Developing In-House vs. Hiring an Agency

When developing an Android mobile application, companies can either develop it in-house or work with a third-party app development company. If the company has a highly skilled and experienced team of software developers, they should develop the app internally. However, not every company has an extensive team of developers. In this case, the business should hire the services of an Android app development company.

When managers are looking for an app development company, they should start by viewing the portfolios of various agencies. Doing this can help managers see if the development company they have in mind has served clients like theirs in the past. Managers should then see if there are any online reviews of the agency so they can know how satisfied others were with the service they received. Finally, managers should contact the company to set up a meeting to discuss plans and pricing.

Wrapping It Up

Nowadays, businesses of all industries can greatly benefit from having their own Android application. Some of the benefits that companies can gain from developing their own Android apps include increased brand awareness, customer engagement, and customer loyalty, as well as marketing insights. If companies choose to hire the services of a third-party agency, they should go with Zorbis!

Zorbis is a leading Android app development company in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex that serves clients worldwide. Zorbis' development team is highly skilled in various programming languages and will collaborate with clients throughout the entire development process. Zorbis can also create iPhone and hybrid mobile apps. Additionally, Zorbis specializes in website development and digital marketing strategies. Contact Zorbis today to set up a consultation!

Posted By Silvia Smith
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