Dive Resort

Dynamic Home Page

  • Fully customize home page according to your requirements.
  • Ability to upload video or photo to be displayed on the home page.
  • Update video/photo any time.
  • Show video directly from YouTube or any other third party site.
  • Ability to show/hide dynamic text on the top of a video or photo.
  • Show/hide fully dynamic buttons over the video or a photo.

Dynamic Header and Footer Menu

  • Customize the menu according to your requirements.
  • Ability to show/hide sub menus.
  • Ability to upload video/photo on the top of each dynamic menu page.
  • Add/edit/show/hide the content of each page.
  • Top notch content editor to provide flexibility to upload images/ videos, customize fonts, text colors etc.
  • Ability to add more pages dynamically to the site.
  • Ability to update the Title of the page.
  • Ability to add/update SEO Keywords and meta content dynamically any time.

Dynamic Landing pages

  • Fully customizable landing page for main menu items
  • Ability to upload dynamic video or a photo
  • Ability to add/edit content

Ecommerce/Store Front

  • Add/update dynamic categories.
  • Ability to add/edit description and photos for categories.
  • Show or hide categories that are not in use.
  • Ability to add/edit and link products to the categories.
  • Ability to add Product details, description, price and photos.
  • Seamlessly manage sales taxes for products.
  • Ability to select and add products to the cart, update quantity and checkout.
  • Inbuilt payment gateways to provide smooth and secure checkout using credit cards.
  • Ability to checkout as a guest.
  • Ability to manage shipping prices.
  • Send automatic invoices via email.
  • Ability to print invoices.
  • Administrator of the website has an ability to view and modify orders, along with the ability to resend invoices, update shipping status etc.
  • Administrator has also the ability to generate revenue reports according to specific date ranges. Admin can even export the reports to excel.

Featured Products

  • Ability to showcase featured products on the bottom of each page.

Photo Gallery

  • Showcase top photos and videos of the dive site.
  • Website users have the ability to select and send any photo as a photo card to friend or family. Selected photo will be sent via email to the provided email address along with the customized message.

Social Media Feeds

  • Ability to show social media feeds directly from Trip Advisor, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media.

Contact Us

  • Show website address, phone number email id and Google maps integration.


  • Manage Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.